
Bold statement: There’s really only one path to follow when you have a mess on your hands, and that is to get out the Lysol and clean the thing up. I pondered this concept as I sat in my seat on the subway, watching telephone wires swoop up and down as we raced from one pole…

Enter the Warrior

Several years ago I remember jumping on one of those Facebook memes — it was a fun one that asked people to write a note detailing the 25 most-influential albums of your life.  I took it pretty seriously, and after several hours of agonizing deliberation, posted my albums for the world to see. I’ve always…

The Wheel

It’s late, and I’m exhausted.  Physically, mentally, I guess even emotionally.  You know it’s bad when you try to remember what day it is and you can’t.  I rally against the Hamster Wheel at every opportunity I can, but the reality is that sometimes you simply have to hop on and grind it out.  The…